Oman Turtle
Nomad Tours provide Car Hire, turtle tours, turtle trips, oman turtle, turtle beach oman, turtle watching oman, Roof Top tents, Tours Camping in Oman, Tours in Oman, 4WD cars, Muscat city Tours, Overnight Tours, Adventure Tour, Dolphin watching & Dhow Cruises etc services.
Turtle Trips
Seeing turtles come ashore at night to dig holes in the sand and deposit their eggs, as well as seeing the baby turtles hatch and begin their trip towards the ocean, is a unique experience.
Oman Turtle Tours
Oman is one of the best spots in the world to see turtles nest and hatch. Every year, thousands of turtles visit the country's stunning beaches.
Turtle Beach Oman
Oman is home to five of the world's seven sea turtle species, making it an ideal destination for wildlife lovers hoping to see these endangered creatures.
Turtle Watching Oman
The following advice describes when and where to go in Oman to see the greatest turtles. There is also useful information and assistance about obtaining an Oman visa.
Oman Turtles
Oman is a spectacular country with so much for the adventurer.. Turtle watching has been promoted as The Number One thing to do !! We at Nomad Tours are not sure what we should advise but we certainly recommend Clients to review such forums as Tripadvisor to see other visitor’s comments. One thing to consider is that the at the Ras al Jinz resort they try to limit Turtle watching Tours to a Max number of 100 people.
Yes that’s 100 Turtle paparazzi !!
We at Nomads do not promote rushing around the country so if you want to see the turtles with us you must book a tour which includes an overnight stay. We will stay overnight at a Hotel in Sur or Ras Al Hadd. Please see the Overnight tour page for tours that include Turtle watching. Note tour number 6D1 includes Turtle watching on Masirah Island for us if you want to see Turtles and avoid the “Turtle Paparazzi” you should go to the beautiful Masirah Island.
For those wishing to rush down the coast to see the turtles and miss out on all the beautiful scenery along the way you should contact the Turtle reserve directly.

Out of sympathy for the turtles we do not include the small price of Turtle watching itself in our tours. As a principle we leave it as an option for our guests to choose.
Sea Turtles are one of Earth’s most ancient creatures they have been around for 110 million years, since the time of the dinosaurs.
Turtles are like us at Nomads ….They love Oman !!!
Of the Seven species of Sea Turtles five can be seen going about their business in Oman.
• Green Turtle
• Loggerhead Turtle
• Hawksbill Turtle
• Olive Ridley Turtle
• Leatherback Turtle
The Leatherback Turtle does not however come ashore in Oman.
You may well see Turtles on Snorkelling trips with Nomads but to see them nesting the best places are the Turtle Reserve in Ras Al Jinz (Ras al Hadd) near Sur. Here you are most likely to see the Green Turtle. Or Masirah Island which is home to the Loggerhead turtle.
The Green Turtle gets its name from the greenish colour of its flesh. Adult Green Turtles are unique among sea turtles in that they are herbivorous, feeding primarily on sea-grasses and algae. This diet is thought to give them the greenish colour.
The Green Turtle is the fastest swimming turtle, reaching speeds up to 32 kmh. Adults may reach a shell length of more than 1m and a body weight of more than 180 kg.
They swim long distances between feeding sites and nesting sites; some swim more than 2,600 km mature turtles often return to the exact beach from which they hatched. Females usually mate every two to four years.
Green Turtles mate at sea the female is in charge! After mating she comes ashore to nest she digs a hole with her hind flippers approximately half a metre deep and deposits her eggs. After laying a clutch of over a 100 eggs the turtles cover the nest with and then returns to the sea.
They hatch in large numbers after about 50 days and instinctively head for the sea it is this site which is such a thrill to see. The hatchlings are easy prey for the Gulls and Crabs. It is estimated that only 1 percent of hatchlings reach sexual maturity but the lucky ones can live up to eighty years old.
July-October period is the peak time for turtle watching in Oman
The Loggerhead Turtle is so called because of its large head and thick, muscular jaws, which it uses to crush its crustacean, mollusc and jellyfish prey. Most grow to about 1 m long and rarely weigh more than 150 kg. Adults have an elongated, heart-shaped carapace (upper shell) often highlighted with light brown, reddish-brown and black. Their plastron (lower shell) is yellow.
To watch turtles please follow some basic rules
Picnic on the Beach
Take Photographs at night
B-B-Q on the Beach
Use Mobile Phones on the Tour
Take Photographs at night
Touching or chase the turtles
Touch turtle eggs
Use lights at night